
De Nieuwe Biologie, genen, DNA en RNA  (Dutch) link

Does DNA exist at all? link short version in Dutch link

Wees niet bang (Dutch) link

The Network State link

nillion A Novel Distributed Computing Platform link

12 October 2023 Geld, bitcoin, privacy coins en CI-Coins (Dutch) link

All wars are wars for the bankers link The money masters part I link part 2 link

October 3rd. 2023 Victor Davis Hanson explains: Trump and the US America

Seminar DAOs voor ondernemers (Dutch)

Mike Adams – Solutions & Breaking Free of the Coming World Order 07.20.2023

Workshop Common Sense (Dutch)

Read our paper about Transition to Postcapitalism: Transition to Postcapitalism 

Corona Stamppot (Dutch) globale machtsverhoudingen
The myth of viruses and immune system (English) (Dutch) (German)

Citizens` Islands

Thinsia Research develops islands in the (blockchain) cloud for all citizens. A citizen can store information on her island, for example her medical record, and allow specific groups like doctors and emergency people access to part of her data. She can use a browser from her island to surf the internet. For the internet she is nameless. She can sell her browser history and behavior and her nameless medical record data to data companies as she likes. She can pay with her wallet to buy things, In her wallet she has cryptocurrency and social value coins.  Her (future) universal basic income can automatically be transferred to her wallet in cryptocurrency and in social value coins. Read more about Citizens`Islands.


Thinsia Research makes One-Pagers: short precise descriptions of themes of your choice. You can see four example One-Pagers: 1 how life came into existence 2 music and math 3 consciousness and 4 chiropractic, have a look here: pager.one contact Thinsia Research for a quote of your One-Pager, email info@thinsia.com


Thinsia Research develops a simple basic income distribution system, UBI-Vault. As a security architecture we use blockchain technology, where transactions are stored immutable, and all transactions are transparently visible. More info here: UBI-Vault


Thinsia Research develops a contactless heart sensor system to be used for biometric access: Heartbeat-ID


Thinsia Research develops and provides virtual worlds for collaboration and education: WonderSchool


Thinsia Research offers advice for robot related law inquiries: Robotlawoffice